Prioritisation Matrix Urgent Important

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The Eisenhower Decision Matrix or the Eisenhower Method is based on a famous quote by him in which he said: 'I have two kinds of problems, the urgent and the important. The urgent are not important, and the important are never urgent.' Eisenhower contributed the above quote to a former college president. Prioritization Matrix Introduction. The (2×2 or 3×3) prioritization matrix is a framework that gives teams visual insight to find out which projects have priorities and which can be postponed. Another name for the prioritization matrix is the Urgent-Important matrix or the Eisenhower matrix. Eisenhower's matrix is a classic model in the prioritization matrices system. The matrix gets its name from a thirty-fourth American president who knew how to prioritize things well. This matrix typically consists of four squares for the following: Square 1 contains the fundamentally important and the most urgent tasks and issues. Over 3 decades later in his best-selling book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey repackaged Eisenhower's insights into a simple tool to prioritize tasks, now known as the Eisenhower Matrix (also known as The Time Management Matrix, The Eisenhower Box, The Eisenhower Method, and The Urgent-Important Matrix).

Prioritisation Matrix Urgent Important Activities

At the start of a new day, I often set high expectations for what I want to accomplish. Like dust the house, write a blog post, and order birthday presents. But all too often, dinnertime rolls around and I feel like I got nothing done.

I am excited to share a better way to prioritize desirable activities alongside interruptions. You know, the constant phone calls, kids tugging on your pants, and sudden toddler meltdowns.

The trick is to use a prioritization framework called the Urgency Importance Matrix. Once you understand the basics of how this time management matrix works, you can quickly classify and sort incoming tasks.

Today I want to show you how to use the Urgent and Important Matrix in the context of motherhood. This tool is very flexible for stay at home moms and working mothers. Stick with me and in just five minutes, you can put this technique to work.

Background of the Urgency Importance Matrix

Credited to President Eisenhower and businessman Steven Covey, the Urgent and Important Matrix identifies essential activities and eliminates nonessential ones. This tool is sometimes called the Eisenhower box or Covey time management matrix. The result of using this priority matrix is that you will spend your time more efficiently.

Simply put, the Urgent Important Matrix is a two by two grid that forms from two characteristics: Urgency and Importance. Going across the bottom of the matrix, you ask yourself if the task at hand is urgent and needed now. Then going up, you ask yourself if the task is important to your overall goals.

Based on the results of the two questions, you bucket the task in one of four quadrants of the matrix. This categorization helps you decide when and how to act upon the task.

Go ahead and grab a piece of paper, and fold it in half each way to create four quadrants. Then follow along with this guide to rethink how much time you devote to desired tasks versus actual tasks.

Goals – Important but not Urgent

This is your ideal to-do list, activities you want to do because they bring value to you and your family. Things like family bonding time or teaching your kids about the bible. Or perhaps exercising, reading, or other personal hobbies.

But all too often, life gets in the way and your goals as a mom sit on the backburner. We justify ignoring these activities because the world will not end if they do not get done. But ignoring your goals actually hurts your family's quality of life in the long run.


I recommend you start with this category so that you feel motivated to address the other tasks. In the upper left corner of your paper, list five desired values or goals for yourself and your family.

Next we will consider how to overcome frequent interruptions and time wasters to free up time for pursuing these goals. Then you can make a point of scheduling a few goal-boosting activities into your week.

Prioritisation matrix urgent important statements

Distractions – Neither Urgent nor Important

Let's start with potentially the easiest tasks to reduce first. Distracting activities are not meaningful or required yet we tend to waste time on them without realizing. For me this looks like scrolling through social media or the news.

Why do I give in to distractions? Because I am either too tired or too disorganized to tackle the real tasks I should be doing. So the previous step of setting up my goals should help.

In the bottom left quadrant, make a list of personal distractions and determine which ones are ok in moderation. Eliminate the others by deleting apps from your phone or removing the temptations from your home.

Priority Matrix Urgent Important

Prioritisation matrix urgent important steps

It will be challenging at first to not turn to old habits of distractions. But over time you will come to appreciate the extra time that their absence will free up.

Interruptions – Urgent but not Important

Prioritisation Matrix Urgent Important

I recommend you start with this category so that you feel motivated to address the other tasks. In the upper left corner of your paper, list five desired values or goals for yourself and your family.

Next we will consider how to overcome frequent interruptions and time wasters to free up time for pursuing these goals. Then you can make a point of scheduling a few goal-boosting activities into your week.

Distractions – Neither Urgent nor Important

Let's start with potentially the easiest tasks to reduce first. Distracting activities are not meaningful or required yet we tend to waste time on them without realizing. For me this looks like scrolling through social media or the news.

Why do I give in to distractions? Because I am either too tired or too disorganized to tackle the real tasks I should be doing. So the previous step of setting up my goals should help.

In the bottom left quadrant, make a list of personal distractions and determine which ones are ok in moderation. Eliminate the others by deleting apps from your phone or removing the temptations from your home.

Priority Matrix Urgent Important

It will be challenging at first to not turn to old habits of distractions. But over time you will come to appreciate the extra time that their absence will free up.

Interruptions – Urgent but not Important

As a mom, you will be interrupted by your kids all day long. From doling out snacks to fixing broken toys, these small interruptions add up to quickly drain your time.

It is best to recognize these tasks as interruptions and try to get a better handle on them. If the interruption occurs often, like snack time, then make a point to schedule it in your day. Or if the interruption is something you can get help with, ask for help.

Some examples of delegating interruptions including using a service like grocery pickup. Or having an older child help care for a younger one so you do not have to.

Eventually you will want to block your time into productive chunks. So the more you can minimize or schedule interruptions, the better.

Crises – Urgent and Important

These are responsibilities that you need to take care of immediately to keep your household running. They are important for the family's well-being and urgent in timing.

What Is Urgent Important Matrix

For example, when I need to do laundry today because my husband has nothing to wear to work tomorrow. Or when the only toilet in our house breaks, I need to call a plumber ASAP (aka father-in-law).

Crisis tasks come from unexpected natural disasters or procrastination fails. When these tasks arise, you will likely do these first in your day. Since you cannot avoid most of these incidents, you should address them by leaving unplanned time in your schedule.

What Is A Prioritisation Matrix

Parting Thoughts

Not all tasks are equal. The key is to eliminate, delay, or outsource unnecessary tasks so that you have uninterrupted time for your goals. Pursuing these values and goals will positively impact our families and communities.

Tip: When first learning the Urgency Importance Matrix, you may want to write down all your tasks in each category. But once you get the hang of it, you can classify new tasks in your mind.

Let me know how the urgency matrix works for you by leaving a comment below. Do you bucket your tasks differently than my examples?

Prioritisation Matrix Urgent Important Words

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